Saturday, September 3, 2011

Golfing with Rick Perry

Stitch gets around. He has connections and friends all over the world and far off galaxies. Stitch travels to Texas often to meet with his friends in the biggest Republic around. Yes, Stitch understands Texas is its own Republic. In the State of Texas, he can carry around his alien Taser freely without getting into trouble. Watch out Texans! When Stitch's Badness level is high, who knows what can happen. We Stitch Wranglers will keep a handle on Stitch. ;)

While on one of his frequent visits to Texas, Stitch caught up with his friend Texas Governor and now Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry. Thanks for the Thumbs up!

Stitch doesn’t really talk politics, but Stitch would like to run for President someday. So please, change the constitution to allow Intergalactic candidates to run for the highest office in the United States. Stitch loves the U.S.A.! Aloha!

Stitch with Texas Governor (and Republican Presidential Candidate) Rick Perry

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