Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Stitch visits the Walt Disney Family Museum

In the heart of San Francisco, in the legendary Presidio, lies a treasure for Walt Disney fans everywhere, the Walt Disney Family Museum. This awesome little trove of a museum is filled with the timeline of Walt Disney’s life and legacy with cool artifacts to boot. Unfortunately Stitch wasn’t able to go into the exhibit hall due to his sometimes destructive behavior, but he was able to visit the lobby where he snuck in front of Walt's Honorary Academy Award for Snow White as a “significant screen innovation which has charmed millions and pioneered a great new entertainment field” and the seven miniature ones that Shirley Temple presented to Walt.

Next time, hopefully, Stitch can check out the museum instead of tear up clothing in the Coat Check area. Remember Stitch Wranglers are trained professionals. ;)

Until next time Stitch fans…

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